Free eBook: An In-depth Guide to Persistent Storage for Kubernetes
This blog was contributed by IOMesh.
As an increasing number of enterprises are operating databases and middleware on Kubernetes, the need for persistent storage solutions is also on the rise. But before jumping into selecting a specific product, it’s worth considering a few important questions upfront:
- Which storage approach (e.g., local disk, NAS, enterprise storage, cloud-native storage) is more suitable for Kubernetes?
- Can enterprises use existing storage products for Kubernetes?
- Is “persistent storage” the same as “cloud-native storage” and “Kubernetes-native storage”?
- Is there any performance test or use case of different persistent storage solutions to refer to?
In our latest eBook Persistent Storage for Kubernetes: An In-depth Guide, we provide detailed information about Kubernetes persistent storage including concept explanations, solution/approach comparisons, product comparisons, and case references. You can download this eBook for free and leverage it to make informed decisions over persistent storage solutions!
Here are some key takeaways from the book:
Differentiating Concepts: Persistent Storage vs. Container Native Storage vs. Kubernetes Native Storage
Comparing Solutions/Approaches: Local Disk, Enterprise Storage, and Kubernetes Native Storage
Comparing Products: Longhorn, Rook, OpenEBS, Portworx, and IOMesh
A comparison of product features and capabilities is also included
Case Reference: Using Persistent Storage for KubeVirt and Containerized Applications
Can’t wait to read up? Click here to unlock the entire eBook! We hope you find all the answers to your questions.
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